Your air freight needs to be safe! CGATE Logistics is your safe consigner as an approved regulated agent of the German Federal Aviation Authority (LBA). This is a special status which requires us to fulfill specific conditions as a logistics company. Having regulated agent (Reg B) status means we have a secure supply chain.Your consignments are handled professionally and in accordance with the stringent requirements of the Aviation Security Act. As your safe consignor we make processing your freight at airports simpler, faster and more cost-effective when compared with a consigner without regulated agent status. The speed of the dispatch processing is increased, but reliability is still maintained. With our help, you can experience the benefits of an accelerated handling process with no additional costs resulting from shipment controls before the loading of goods, which can arise from, for example, x-rays of freight, security controls, searches carried out by hand, simulation chambers, etc.Our regulated agent status also guarantees that all of our staff who are involved in the shipment of air freight undergo regular background checks.
When every second counts…In the event of delays and flight cancellations due to technical problems, air carriers are faced with major challenges. Every second counts when it comes to resolving these issues. Businesses require rapid assistance from a partner who can deal with these exceptional situations professionally and in an experienced manner. Staff in our air freight department specialise in handling this sort of time-critical cargo and are trained accordingly.
24 Stunden täglich an 365 Tagen im Jahr – AOG Express Service:
Phone: +49 40325883-224;